Upcoming Events

Worcester Catholic Men's Conference - Info Table
Come visit our information table at the Worcester Catholic Men’s Conference. To register for the conference, visit their website here.

Mother-Daughter Marian Tea Party
SAVE THE DATE! On May 31 join us for a Mother-Daughter Marian Tea Party - Details will be posted soon - Please check back.

Information Session
Join us for an information session at St. Cecilia’s Parish Hall in Ashland. Discover the Chesterton difference!

Information Session
Join us for an information session at St. Cecilia’s Parish Hall in Ashland. Come discover the Chesterton Difference! We are offering a rigorous classical curriculum animated by an authentically catholic culture. Come hear about our plans for this fall and beyond!

The Chesterton Gala
Join us for an unforgettable evening at our inaugural gala event in support of the founding of Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata. It will be a night where literature, philosophy, and the spirit of G.K.Chesterton come alive! We are thrilled to present a unique experience featuring renowned G.K. Chesterton impersonator John Walker and celebrated author Dr. Peter Kreeft. Prepare to be captivated by their engaging discussions and performances that delve into the timeless themes of faith, reason, the human experience and the importance of Catholic education.

Holy Hour for Life
Join us at St. Cecilia’s in Ashland following the 9 am Mass for a Holy Hour for Life as we pray for an end to abortion.

CLT8 Placement Exam
A free placement exam offered for 8th graders applying to Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata. Please email info@chestertonimmaculata.org to secure a testing spot for your child. See the CLT Exam website for more information and practice exams.

Solemnity of the Immaculata Conception Feast Day Mass and Reception
You are invited to join us for our school Feast Day Mass, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Monday, December 9 at St. Cecilia Parish, 54 Esty St, in Ashland. A reception will follow at St. Cecilia’s Family Center. The Mass is being offered for the Chesterton Academy founders and benefactors.

Virtual Information Session
Join us for a virtual information session. Learn more about our integrated classical curriculum, the hallmarks of a Chesterton education and how Chesterton will nurture your student’s intellect, character, and spiritual formation. Discovery the Chesterton Difference! Register to get the zoom link invitation.

Bourbon & Burn
This one is for the guys.. Join Fr. Sinisa Ubiparipovic and the founding men of the Chesterton Academy for bourbon & cigars around the fire pit.
Apps and other refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP: info@chestertonma.org

CLT8 Placement Exam
A free placement exam offered for 8th graders applying to Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata. Please email info@chestertonimmaculata.org to secure a testing spot for your child. See the CLT Exam website for more information and practice exams.
St. Cecilia Parish Hall, Ashland, 11/23/24, 9 am - 12 pm

Franciscan Advantage Program
Did you know that students of Chesterton Academy can earn college credits from Franciscan University? Tom Costello of Franciscan University will present detailed information about their Franciscan Advantage Program partnership with Chesterton Academy. More information about the program is available here.

Information Session
Join us for Info Session on November 14, 2024 @ 7 pm at St. Cecilia Parish Hall in Ashland. Learn about the Chesterton Difference!

Information Session
Join us for an information session at St. Joseph's Parish Hall in Medway.

Dining For Dollars @ Bertucci's
Enjoy a great meal while giving to a great cause! On Thursday, October 17 from 11 am - 9 pm mention you are supporting Chesterton Academy at the Framingham Bertucci's - dine-in or takeout and a portion of your bill will go to support our school.
Thank you for your support.

Applications for 2025-2026
Applications are available for the 2025-2026 School Year. See the Admissions section of our website.

Information Session (Portuguese)
Join us for information session in Portuguese at BRACE, St. Tarcisius Church, 560 Waverly St, Framingham @ 5pm.

Worcester Catholic Women's Conference
Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata will be hosting a table at the Worcester Catholic Women's Conference on October 5, 2024. We look forward to seeing you there.

Virtual Open House
Discover the Chesterton Difference at our first Virtual Open House. Registration for Zoom open house is available now. Sign up for our newsletter to get all Admissions events, timeline, and update.

Information Table at Coffee & Donuts
Chesterton Academy will host the Coffee & Donuts after 10 am Mass at St. John the Evangelist in Hopkinton. We will also have an information table and representatives to answer your questions about this joyfully Catholic, classical High School.

BC High Middle & High School Fair
Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata will have an information table at BC High's Middle School and High School Fair. The Fair is Saturday, September 21 from 10 am -12 pm. We hope to see you there!

Teen Holy Hour & Movie Night
Middle and high school students in our community are invited to join us for Teen Holy Hour at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Millis followed by a Teen Movie Night at the rectory basketball court. We will be showing the 80’s classic ‘The Princess Bride’. Please bring a comfortable seat. Refreshments will be served. Please email info@chestertonma.org to RSVP for the movie.

Marian-Themed Paint Night
Join us for a Chesterton Immaculata Moms’ Marian-themed Paint Night.

Info Table at St. George Pancake Breakfast
Stop by our table to learn about our school!