Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata Launches Against the Current Campaign

G.K. Chesterton wrote in The Everlasting Man: "A dead thing can go with a stream, but only a living thing can go against it."

Although almost 100 years old, the relevance of this quote today is undeniable. The social agenda of today’s world has created a current so strong that our youth are struggling to stay afloat, let alone to stay on the path that God has created for them. As a result, according to a PEW study, 78% of today's Catholics who leave the Church do so by the age of 23, with 50% eventually identifying as atheist, agnostic, or having no religious affiliation.

Chesterton recognized that only a soul truly alive in Jesus Christ has the strength to stand against the cultural currents.

Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata will be a school where souls will be formed and nourished with the teachings of Christ. It is a place where our youth will build the academic skills, spiritual strength, and confidence of character needed to fight against the currents which they will undoubtedly encounter.

Our classical education model, rooted deeply in the Catholic faith, is a return to what has been lost over the last century. It is a rejection of educational approaches that seek uniformity of thought and a utilitarian view of humanity. It is a curriculum that teaches students how to think critically, while nurturing the intellect with great literature, philosophy, language, and the arts.

We are asking you to JOIN US TODAY to help us build this beacon of hope for our community. We have already collected interest surveys from over 100 families representing approximately 300 children in our admissions pipeline and our outreach effort continues. We know that there is a demand for a Chesterton Academy and we know the world will need Chesterton graduates to carry on the Christian mission.

How can you help?

Chesterton Academies are independent schools built by the lay Catholic community to support parents in their efforts to form their children in the Catholic faith. We are at a critical point in the development process. Having already raised the funds to complete the first phase of our plans, we now need to raise $130,000 by July 31st for the next stage. This financial milestone will allow us to hire a headmaster, secure a location, recruit families, and ultimately move to the third and final stage prior to opening the school.

Today, we are launching our Against the Current campaign to reach this goal. With the help and prayers of our community, we are confident that we will be able to continue moving forward to build the Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata.

To accompany this exciting campaign, we are introducing the new giving level opportunities. Please take a moment to prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to become part of our important work. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, will make a substantial impact.

With gratitude,

Friends of Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata


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