Chesterton Gala to feature Dr. Peter Kreeft

Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening at our inaugural Chesterton Gala on Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at the Boston Marriott Newton, featuring remarks by Dr. Peter Kreeft.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to support our mission, while experiencing the profound insights of a man whose remarkable contributions as a philosophy professor and prolific author have shaped the hearts and minds of thousands of Catholics and converts to the Faith.

Dr. Kreeft, often compared to the great G.K. Chesterton himself, will delve into the richness of Chesterton's philosophy regarding human nature and society, offering insights that are certain to resonate with our mission at the Chesterton Academy of the Immaculata.

More details about the Gala, sponsorship opportunities, and invitations will be forthcoming. If you would like to become involved with this historical and memorable event for the Boston Catholic community, please email


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